Portuguese Water Dog puppies are born after 9 weeks of pregnancy.
Best prenatal care, including natural food and lots of exercise and fresh air are available to ensure healthy litters.
We do not include any dogs with known health issues in our breeding program.
Puppies stay with us and their mom at SkipNstone until 8 weeks of age.
Puppies are whelped in our front bedroom and Charlotte or Lawrie stay with mom and puppies 24/7 for the first 3 weeks of age.
At 3 to 13 days of age we do Neural stimulation with each puppy. Please contact Lawrie or Charlotte about this.
At around 3.5 weeks of age pups are moved to the dining room into a 10x12 ft pen with lots of natural sunshine and fresh air as they grow. Mom continues to have full access to the puppies.
After 4-5 weeks of age puppies start to wean onto a natural diet with lots of nurses with mom. Usually, they nurse out the door. They learn where to do their “business” in the pen.
At 5 weeks start going outside with mom numerous times every day. In both indoor and outdoor pens pups are exposed to lots of Puppy Culture and Avidog protocols.
At 7 weeks of age, puppies will have Volhard testing by a stranger in an unfamiliar place, one on one to look at individual temperaments. At this time puppies will be assigned to their forever families. We start crate training as well to prepare them for life in your home.
By 8 weeks of age puppies will have had a thorough health assessment by our family vet, including first vaccine.
Puppies are dewormed at 3, 5, and 7 weeks of age, and are microchipped as part of their registration.
Weekly video visits with the litter from the first week are welcomed for each of our families.
Visits at SkipNstone Kennel are encouraged after 5 weeks of age.
Canadian Kennel Club offers 4 weeks free health insurance. Also, we recommend finding a vet, groomer, and trainer well in advance of taking your puppy home.